Men’s Health

  • Unanderra Doctor GP Surgery Bulk Billing

Erectile Dysfunction

From the latest Unanderra Family Doctors statistic, we know approximately 40% of men aged 41 are suffering from erectile dysfunction. Within only 30 years, this number may rise up to 70%. Being unable to maintain and acquire erection is the simplest description of this disease. However, there are some cases when erectile dysfunction may also indicate other serious illnesses. For both these reasons, we strongly urge you do consult with your doctor to assess the risk and find appropriate treatment.

Ejaculation Problems

Premature ejaculation is, undeniably, one of the most irritating men’s sexual health problems. Affecting all ages, this ‘illness’ has become not only debilitating for relationships, but also the source of both depression and anxiety. This serious problem needs quick resolution. Our Unanderra Doctor can assist you to find the solution. We are mixed billing, so this will make it a lot easier.

Libido Disorders

Besides age, chronic alcohol consumption and wrong medications may cause low libido as our body suffer from hormonal imbalance. Our general practitioner will assist you to assess the issue and determine the appropriate treatment you need.

Gardasil HPV Vaccine

Once Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) infected your body, you will be dealing not only with a single cancer threat, but also many of them, including cervix, vagina, anus, oropharynx, vulva, penis, oral cavity, and genital warts. Do nothing and you will ruin your life, but if you choose to let our experts from Unanderra Family Doctors help you, you can prevent these threats from entering your life. Our Gardasil HPV Vaccine will protect you against HPV genotype 6, 18, 16, and 11. This way, you can claim your right of a healthy life.

Testicular Cancer Testing

Testicular cancer poses a huge threat especially for our youths. It begins with a small lump on a testicle. Early detection is the key to prevent the cancer from spreading to other parts of the testicles. Using the latest blood or ultrasound tests, our experts can help you in examining any testicular cancer-related issue and determine necessary treatment.

Prostate Cancer Testing

The older we get the higher cancer risk we should deal. Like other cells, our semen-secreting cells will be easier than normal to mutate to cancerous cells. These cells are the beginning of prostate cancer. Today, two tests exist to help us recognize the issue: prostate-specific antigen blood and digital rectal test.

Sexually Transmitted Disease

Sexually transmitted diseases (STD) is a growing threat in our today’s society. In order to protect your privacy, our practitioners use a discreet test to examine the issue. When we found any positive evidence, we will assist you through necessary treatment plan.

Blood Pressure

Do not underestimate this illness. Blood pressure is a well-known risk factor for strokes, leg ulcers, heart attacks, erectile dysfunction, kidney disease, and blindness. It mostly came from our unhealthy lifestyle such as lack of physical exercise, smoking habit, and high salt intake. At Unanderra Family Doctors, we will guide you through a series of test to evaluate the cause and provide you well-built plan to restore your healthy lifestyle.

One of our friendly customer care representatives should be able to assist you to get further information. Please make an appointment today and come into our Unanderra Doctor mixed billing General Medical Practice and Surgery to discuss how we can help.

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Men’s Health

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Women’s Health

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Gardasil HPV Vaccine

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